20130218 - Nutritional balance of corn chips (3e) - 2012

[Data] [<Normal page] [PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2012). Nutritional balance of corn chips (3e)5. Knowledge (ISSN 2324-1624), 2013, pages 60-63.] [DOI]

Corn chips' BNI

Perezgonzalez assessed the nutritional balance of corn chips6 in 20123, as part of a research on the nutritional composition of snacks in New Zealand.

Corn chips had, on average, an extremely unbalanced nutritional composition7 (BNI 49.44f), being particularly biased towards excess of fat. They were also adequate in carbohydrate and low in sugar, high in saturated fat and sodium, and low in protein and fiber.

Illustration 1: Nutrition information (corn chips)
BNI 49.44f 0.00
Food, 100g 2012 Ideal
Protein 7.3 24.6
Carbohydrate 58.9 67.6
Sugar 2.5 < 12.3
Fat 25.2 13.7
Saturated fat 8.7 < 5.5
Fiber 3.7* 7.4
Sodium 0.590 < 0.492
Kcal 491.6 491.6
kJul 2056.9 2056.9
(*) Fiber content estimated from Doritos Burn.
Illustration 2: Nutritional profile (corn chips)
50% *
45% * *
40% * *
35% * *
30% * *
25% * *
20% * *
15% * *
10% * * *
5% * * * *
mid p c f fb
max s sf na
5% * *
10% * *
15% * *
20% *
25% *
30% *
ideal % = grey cells; actual % = asterisk (*)

International standards

Corn chips also appeared as extremely unbalanced7 according to international Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDIs).

Illustration 3: Nutritional balance across international RDIs
Corn chips (dietIndex) 49.44 46.98 36.18 36.71 27.37
Product100g Company BNI WHO US/CAN AUS/NZ UK
Garden of Eatin' chilli & lime Garden of Eatin' 29.99 28.13 21.12 22.89 18.88
Garden of Eatin' mini yellow rounds Garden of Eatin' 29.99 28.13 21.12 22.89 18.88
Red Hot Blues Garden of Eatin' 31.26 29.40 21.12 22.89 18.88
Doritos salted Bluebird 38.25 35.78 31.95 32.49 21.14
Garden of Eatin' sesame blues Garden of Eatin' 40.15 37.39 31.28 32.30 27.39
Doritos nacho cheese Bluebird 40.69 38.22 31.23 31.76 20.42
Doritos salsa Bluebird 40.75 38.28 30.99 31.52 20.18
GoNutz Corn Chips cheese GoNutz 41.43 37.48 27.82 32.23 26.46
Doritos cheese supreme Bluebird 43.87 41.40 32.76 33.29 21.95
GoNutz Corn Chips just salted GoNutz 46.52 42.52 32.52 35.03 28.81
Doritos Thai sweet chilli Bluebird 46.61 44.14 37.02 37.56 26.21
Doritos flamegrilled BBQ Bluebird 50.09 47.63 39.75 40.28 28.94
Home Brand Corn Chips cheese flavored Woolworths 52.21 52.21 41.23 44.70 44.70
Home Brand Corn Chips salted Woolworths 55.14 55.14 45.14 45.48 45.48
Home Brand Corn Chips salsa flavored Woolworths 55.83 55.83 44.67 44.69 44.69
Mexicano Corn Chips tasty cheese Mexican Supplies 57.70 57.70 47.70 47.70 47.70
Mexicano Corn Chips jalapeno Mexican Supplies 58.06 58.06 48.06 48.06 48.06
Doritos Burn Bluebird 58.45 55.98 46.20 46.74 35.39
Mexicano Corn Chips cheese Mexican Supplies 59.22 59.22 49.22 49.22 49.22
Mexicano Corn Chips natural Mexican Supplies 60.83 60.83 50.83 50.83 50.83
Eta UpperCuts Corn Tapas feta & garlic Griffin's 62.81 62.81 52.81 52.81 52.81
Eta Sancho salsa Griffin's 63.39 63.39 51.32 51.32 51.32
Eta UpperCuts Corn Tapas sea salt Griffin's 64.30 64.30 54.30 54.30 54.30
Eta UpperCuts Corn Tapas vintage cheddar Griffin's 65.68 65.68 52.93 52.93 52.93
Eta Sancho nacho cheese Griffin's 65.82 65.82 52.04 52.04 52.04
Signature Range Tortilla Chips tangy salsa SR Brands 70.38 70.38 55.94 55.94 55.94
Signature Range Tortilla Chips double cheese SR Brands 70.44 70.44 56.01 56.01 56.01
Pams Corn Chips cheese Pams 71.24 71.24 56.50 56.50 56.50
Pams Corn Chips chilli & lime Pams 71.42 71.42 56.59 56.59 56.59
Mexicano Corn Chips tasty salsa Mexican Supplies 72.73 72.73 57.80 57.80 57.80
Pams Corn Chips double cheese Pams 74.28 74.28 59.15 59.15 59.15
Eta Skof Corn Chips fiery ranch Griffin's 74.62 74.62 59.40 59.40 59.40
Signature Range Tortilla Chips chilli & lime SR Brands 75.76 75.76 60.54 60.54 60.54
Eta Sancho cheesy cheese Griffin's 75.91 75.91 60.76 60.76 60.76
Pams Corn Chips BBQ Pams 77.16 77.16 61.59 61.59 61.59
Pams Corn Chips salsa Pams 77.32 77.32 61.75 61.75 61.75
Eta Skof Corn Chips tasty cheese Griffin's 79.97 79.97 64.17 64.17 64.17
(Source: Perezgonzalez, 2012a2)


Research approach

Exploratory study.


The research sample included 37 corn chip products, including different brands and flavors, collected in a convenient manner (see Perezgonzalez, 2012a2).

Materials & analysis

Relevant data were collated, then assessed using the Balanced Nutrition Index™ (BNI™) technology (see Perezgonzalez, 20111). SPSS-v18 was used for the computation of variables, including BNI and international indexes, and statistical analyses.

1. PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2011). Balanced Nutrition Index™ (BNI™). Journal of Knowledge Advancement & Integration (ISSN 1177-4576), 2011, pages 20-21.
2. PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2012a). Corn utopia. The Balanced Nutrition Index (ISSN 1177-8849), 2012, issue 6.
3. PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2012b). Nutritional balance of corn chips (descriptive statistics) (3e). Knowledge (ISSN 2324-1624), 2013, pages 56-59.
4. PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2012c). Nutritional balance of corn chips (2e). Journal of Knowledge Advancement & Integration (ISSN 1177-4576), 2012, pages 267-270.
+++ Notes +++
5. This edition updates the previous edition4 by revising the interpretations of unbalance.
6. They include both corn chips and tortilla chips. Thus, they can be defined as thin shapes of pressed corn (usually cut into triangles or circles), and then oven-baked or deep-fried.
7. When interpreting the BNI as 0 = balanced, 1-9 = slightly unbalanced, 10-19 = moderately unbalanced, 20-29 = highly unbalanced, ≥30 = extremely unbalanced.

Want to know more?

BNI analysis of individual corn chip products
You can access either the BNI™ database or the 'BNI™ journal (2012, issue 6) - Corn utopia' for individual nutrition analyses of each food product in the sample.
Wiki of Science - Nutritional balance of corn chips (further knowledge)
Two Wiki of Science pages provide further descriptive and inferential information about the nutritional balance of corn chips.
Wiki of Science - Nutritional balance of foods
This Wiki of Science page collates information about several foods on a single page and provides useful links to the appropriate files.

Outdated versions

PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2012). Nutritional balance of corn chips. Journal of Knowledge Advancement & Integration (ISSN 1177-4576), 2012, pages 249-252.
PEREZGONZALEZ Jose D (2012c). Nutritional balance of corn chips (2e). Journal of Knowledge Advancement & Integration (ISSN 1177-4576), 2012, pages 267-270.


Jose D PEREZGONZALEZ (2012). Massey University, Turitea Campus, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand. (JDPerezgonzalezJDPerezgonzalez).


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