Page categories

Type of pages on Wiki of Science

The site is structured around five content areas:

Content areas
Data Science Protoscience Pseudoscience Technology
Data Knowledge Technology
  • Data contain data files and results, with little in the way of interpretation. Data files form the empirical base for knowledge and technology, but they shouldn't be confused with them (eg, the same data may be interpreted differently by different models).
  • Knowledge content areas contain conceptual files which may be scientific (supported by empirical data), protoscientific (partially supported by empirical data, supported by data which may be methodologically dubious, or reasonable knowledge in waiting for empirical support), or pseudoscientific (no supported by data, or being an unreasonable spin-off of empirical data).
  • Technology is an application (eg, an artefact, tool, mechanical contraption, procedure, model, technique, etc) derived from data or knowledge. Eg, a book is a technology (a tool) for managing knowledge, a computer is a technology for processing information, and simulation is a technology (technique) for furthering knowledge. In a way, while data and, specially, knowledge are rather dynamic and immaterial, technology is rather static and material. Technology is the 'material' support that allows capturing and expressing present and future data and knowledge. Eg, a book is a technological invention to capture and express data in the form of writing; it substituted technologies such as scrolls, and are now being substituted by computers. Equally, writing, alphabets and language are technologies, as are species and evolution itself.

Type of contributions

Each content area can be populated according to different levels of 'knowledge depth'. The site normally works with four levels of knowledge, from one-liners (reserved to published articles only) to highly technical knowledge, allowing the reader to progress from one level to another in the quest for more in-depth knowledge (while avoiding redundancy and repetition). Therefore, you can contribute knowledge at any level between 1 and 3, or at all three levels. Not all levels need to be populated for a particular topic, though (eg, external articles in scientific journals are normally published elsewhere at 'level 3', thus a link to those will suffix the spirit of progression to a higher level of in-depth knowledge).

Levels of depth of knowledge
One liners Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Google+ Basic knowledge Intermediate knowledge Advanced knowledge
Facebook Most readers Knowledgeable readers Technical readers
Data files Introductions, graphs… Descriptive stats Inferential stats
Statistics Interpretation Calculation Particularities


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