Data files

Pages under the category "Data" refers to data files, typically empirical data and associated methods. You can edit any file by simply searching for it in the list below and editing the page as appropriate. If you don't find the page in the list, simply create it anew using the button "New data file" at the bottom of the list. [Note: For a sortable Index of data files click here]

A few notes about tests and confidence intervals - 2015
A logical impression of the pilots’ situation awareness: studying relevant human factors tools
A study of input devices for menu navigation in the cockpit
A Two Group Experiment to Measure Simulator-Based Upset Recovery Training Transfer
Ab-initio pilots' performance using T-VASIS versus PAPI - 2011
Aerodynamics: hummingbird
Aeronautical decision making in pilot training-CASSENS2011
Association between 'Psychological Capital' and 'Safety Climate' among Norwegian air traffic controllers
ATC Data-Block Complexity: A Cognitive Ergonomics Design Approach
BNI of kinds of corn chips - 2012
BNI of kinds of corn chips (descriptive statistics) - 2012
BNI of kinds of corn chips (inferential statistics) - 2012
BNI of kinds of potato chips - 2012
BNI of kinds of potato chips (descriptive statistics) - 2012
BNI of kinds of potato chips (inferential statistics) - 2012
BNI of kinds of yogurts - 2011
Bow shock in WASP-12b - 2010
Child labour in cacao production - 2010
Child labour in cacao production, II - 2010
Circadian typology and the sleep–wake behavior pattern of air traffic controllers working backward rotation shifts - 2002
Cognitive Determinants of Pilots' Effectiveness Under a False Horizon Illusion - 2011
Cognitive Workload: A Flying Training Performance Forecaster
Comparing gliding accident causes between inexperienced and experienced glider pilots
Competency Based Training, Syllabus Requirements and Training Costs for Commercial Pilots
Confirmation Bias in General Aviation Lost Procedures
Development & evaluation of the MEDA process
Effect of Safety Information on Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM)- 2005
Effect size estimation for balanced nutrition indexes - 2012
Effectiveness of basic skills training
Effects of caffeine on vigilance and cognition during extended wakefulness
Effects of hypoxia on working memory of pilots
Effects of Low Blood Glucose on Pilot Performance
Effects of spatial disorientation on cognitive processing - 2010
Ergonomic issue in training aircraft.
Ergonomization attitudes in general aviation - 2008
Ergonomization needs in general aviation - 2010
Ergonomization needs in general aviation (summary) - 2010
Ergonomization needs of student pilots - 2009
Error Management: Detection & Prevention in Normal Line Operations
Errors of Memory in Air Traffic Control
Errors of Perception in Air Traffic Control
Eye movements as an indicator of situation awareness in a flight simulator experiment
Factors Affecting the Learning of a New Air Traffic Control Sector for Experienced Air Traffic Controllers
'Facts Up Front' versus 'Traffic Light' nutrition labels - 2011
Fatigue Prevalence and comparison study in Portuguese Airline pilots
Fear of Flying: Sensitivity to suffocation signals
Flight crew on-board sleep quality and quantity research
Flight Hours and Technical Pilot Performance
Flight performance and alcohol postintoxication
Gender Effects on Mental Rotation in Pilots vs. Nonpilots
Health claims and the BNI of yogurts - 2011
Human Factors, their Interactions and their Influence on ATC Performance
Human risk factors associated with runway incursions
Hydrodynamics: cat drinking
Hydrodynamics: dog drinking
Impact of NextGen Operational Improvements on the Traffic Manager
Individual Differences in Multitasking Ability and Adaptability
iPhone GPS reliability in general aviation - 2010
Judgements of likelihood under hypoxic conditions - 2010
Judgements of likelihood under hypoxic conditions (descriptive statistics) - 2010
Kind and balance of breakfast cereals - 2012
Leadership roles and responsibilities of cockpit and cabin crews during emergencies
LRO images of Apollo sites - 2011
Marketing claims and the nutritional balance of breakfast cereals - 2012
Marketing claims and the nutritional balance of yogurt - 2011
Measuring General Aviation Pilot Judgment Using a Situational Judgment Technique
Methods of Instrument Training and Effects on Pilots’ Performance With Different Types of Flight Instrument Displays - 2012
Misinterpretation of 'p' (1986) (2e)
Misinterpretation of 'p' (1995) (2e)
Misinterpretation of 'p' (2000) (3e)
Misinterpretation of the p-value and of the level of significance (2000)
Multitasking ability and adaptability in a flight simulator environment - 2011
Nutrition claims and balance of breakfast cereals - 2012
Nutrition claims and the BNI of yogurts - 2011
Nutritional balance of bactrian camel milk - 2011
Nutritional balance of bran breakfast cereals - 2012
Nutritional balance of buffalo milk - 2011
Nutritional balance of cheese - 2012
Nutritional balance of cheese (descriptive statistics) - 2012
Nutritional balance of cheese (inferential statistics) - 2012
Nutritional balance of chips, crisps & cravers - 2012
Nutritional balance of chips, crisps & cravers (descriptive statistics) - 2012
Nutritional balance of chips, crisps & cravers (inferential statistics) - 2012
Nutritional balance of corn breakfast cereals - 2012
Nutritional balance of corn chips (3e) - 2012
Nutritional balance of corn chips (descriptive statistics) (3e) - 2012
Nutritional balance of corn chips (inferential statistics) (2e) - 2012
Nutritional balance of corn crisps - 2012
Nutritional balance of corn crisps (descriptive statistics) - 2012
Nutritional balance of creamy flavored yogurt - 2011
Nutritional balance of creamy natural yogurt - 2011
Nutritional balance of cured meats (2e) - 2011
Nutritional balance of donkey milk - 2011
Nutritional balance of dromedary camel milk - 2011
Nutritional balance of fat-free flavored yogurt - 2011
Nutritional balance of fat-free natural yogurt - 2011
Nutritional balance of flavored low-fat soymilk - 2008
Nutritional balance of flavored low-fat soymilk (2011)
Nutritional balance of flavored semi-skimmed milk (2011)
Nutritional balance of goat milk - 2011

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